Call for Applications


IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH) has just started a program entitled “TMECH Junior Reviewer Program (TJRP)”

Objective: The TJRP is intended to introduce young researchers in the mechatronics research community to the best practices in peer-reviewing of scientific publications under the guidance of Editorial Board members.


There will be a TJRP Best Reviewer Award annually. The award evaluation panel members will consist of TMECH Editor-in-chief, TJRP PMs and TMECH Editorial Board members that interact with the reviewers in TJRP.


The graduates of TJRP with good track record will be fast-tracked to join AIM Conference Editorial Board, TMECH Focused Section, or TMECH Editorial Board in their early career.



Who can apply?


       Applicants who obtained their PhDs in mechatronics relevant fields within about five years (Postdoctoral staff, Assistant professor or equivalent) with a good publication record and with at least one TMECH paper or other equivalent IEEE journal paper as the first or the corresponding author

       Research in all mechatronics related areas as defined by TMECH keywords (please refer to the Google form below)


How to apply?


Interested applicants need to submit the following documents to the Program Committee via Google forms

  1. Applicant form
  2. CV with full publication list
  3. If the applicant is postdoctoral fellow or company employee, he/she needs to obtain a consent email correspondence (email or letter) from the supervisor and submit along with the application documents


Reviewers in TJRP will have their profiles entered in ScholarOne manuscript system upon acceptance to TJRP. The complete TJRP database will be kept within TMECH editorial Office for confidentiality reason. It will be transparent to TMECH Editorial Board members only.


Once the applicant is accepted into TJRP, one of the TJRP managers will be his/her mentor. The mentorship is mainly on providing guidance to reviewers conducting quality peer-review of scientific papers and monitoring reviewer’s performance and quality of the review comments based on style of writing, thoroughness of the review comments, timeliness, and suggestions to revision.


As always, all TMECH Editorial board members and reviewers in TJRP must follow the paper handling guidelines stipulated by IEEE integrity and ethics guidelines.


TJRP Program Manager

Prof. Erdal Kayacan (IES, RAS) [Email:]

Dept of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark


TJRP Co-Program Manager

Prof. Shaohui Foong (RAS, ASME) [Email:]

Engineering Product Development Pillar, Singapore University of Technology & Design, Singapore


Prof. Ming Xin (ASME) [Email:]

Dept of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Missouri, USA


TMECH Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Huijun Gao [Email:]
Research Institute of Intelligent Control and Systems, Harbin Institute of Technology, Nangang, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China