Call for Nomination of Technical Editors

TMECH is seeking enthusiastic and visionary scholars in the field of Mechatronics to serve as Technical Editors (TE). Criteria for TE qualifications include the following:

  • TEs should have at least associate professor standing or equivalent.
  • TE candidates should have experience as authors or reviewers recognized by existing TEs of the Journal, and should demonstrate promise to be competent in delivering the “IEEE 90-60”, i.e. 90% submitted papers completed in 60 days for broad areas within the field of mechatronics.

Members of IEEE/IES, IEEE/RAS and ASME/DSCD, who are interested, should send their qualifications (e.g., papers published in TMech and AIM and a 100-word description of their motivation), along with their CV (including a full list of journal publications) to Editor-in-Chief: Huijun Gao <>. 

Technical Editor appointment requires approval from the TMECH Management Committee.